Journal of Medical Surgical and Allied Sciences, Volume 1, Issue 1 : 1-12. Doi : 10.37446/jmedsurg/ra/1.1.2023.1-12
Review Article

OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 31-Dec-2023

A comprehensive review on haptic feedback for minimally invasive surgery

  • Jitendra Patel
  • Associate Professor and Head, Department of Physiology, GMERS Medical College, Vadnagar, Gujarat, India.


The objective of this article is to provide a thorough examination of the current state of haptic information feedback in minimally invasive surgery (MIS), including research conducted between 1985 and the present. Despite the fact that haptic information input in MIS is currently scarce, the comprehensive analysis emphasises that it represents a potential option. Surgeons might potentially get substantial benefits from receiving more input about force information, which would therefore enhance their surgical accuracy and control. The extant literature highlights a significant knowledge deficit regarding the intricate ramifications of haptic feedback, specifically with regard to the sense of slip and gripping forces. It is crucial to investigate the possible advantages of incorporating supplementary haptic information in order to protect against tissue damage when performing manipulation treatments. It is of the utmost importance to fill this void, since doing so might revolutionise the field of MIS via the mitigation of unintended tissue injury and the improvement of surgical results. By capitalising on technology progress to provide more extensive haptic feedback, surgeons have the ability to enhance their tactile perception, optimise the application of force, and reduce the likelihood of tissue injuries when performing complex surgical procedures.


laparoscopy, tactile perception, force feedback


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