Volume 1 Issue 3 (2023)

Review Article

  • Heavy metals in livestock products (milk and red meat)

  • Sahebeh Hajipour, Ebrahim Alinia-Ahandani, Zeliha Selamoglu,

    OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 31-Dec-2023 | Doi :10.37446/corbio/ra/1.3.2023.1-4 | Pages : 1-4

    Heavy metals, recently with the increase in population and the increase in the birth rate in many areas, as well as the need of different groups for various resources have a significant increase, and in this aspect, it can increase every day.  This issue directly exposes our food sources, especially milk and animal meat.  The results in various reports and research clearly state that these food sources are contaminated in many cases and this contamination can easily enter the food cycle of humans by eating these products.  In this paper, with a brief overview, we have tried to examine the topic through scientific reports, and at the end, we suggest that the land where animal feed is grown be far from metal industries and factories, and also we can plant some herbs that accumulate more because these plants have the ability to remove pollution.