Journal of Innovative Agriculture, Volume 5, Issue 1 : 13-18
Research Article

OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 28-Dec-2018

Economic analysis of grape production in Tamil Nadu

  • Alagumani T
  • Professor and Head, Dept. of Trade and Intellectual Property, CARDS, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore – 641 003.
  • M Anjugam
  • Professor, Dept. of Agricultural Economics, CARDS, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore – 641 003.


The study aimed to analyze the trend in grapes, economics of grape production, resource use efficiency and constraints. Results revealed that area under grape cultivation is decreasing over a decade by 1.17 per cent. The production and productivity also declined by 10.16 and 9.55 per cent, per annum, respectively. Total cost of grape cultivation (Panneer variety) was about Rs. 3.20, Rs.3.60 and Rs.1.50 lakh per ha in Theni, Coimbatore and Dindigul districts, respectively. Net income per ha was Rs. 3.74 lakhs, Rs.2.97 lakhs and Rs.2.09 lakhs for the samples districts. Age of vine yard, FYM and phosphorus are the factors that have positive and significant influence on the yield of grapes. Pest and disease infestation, labour problem, water scarcity, price fluctuation and lack of price information were the major constraints faced by the gape farmers. The study suggested that grape growers association may provide  price information and research should focus on developing new high yielding variety that are resistant to disease infestation and tolerant to local climatic condition.


Grape, trend, cost, returns, cobb douglas production function, constraints


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