Farmers have been chosen randomly for each of the crop in the blocks concerned in two Development Blocks identified (1. Periyanaicken Palayam in Coimbatore district representing irrigated/semi irrigated Jatropha cultivation and Aruppukkottai in Virudhunagar district representing rainfed system), the following major rainfed /Semi irrigated crops were identified as potentially competing crops. A. Periyanaicken Palayam Block: Crops are 1. Sorghum, 2. Maize, 3. Chickpea, 4. Cowpea; B. Aruppukkottai: crops are 1. Sorghum, 2. Maize, 3. Black gram, 4. Green gram, 5. Groundnut, 6. Sunflower, 7. Sesame, 8. Cotton. The major area for each of the above crops is selected to study the feasibility of jatropha along with other suitable crops through discounted net return analysis. The economic analysis revealed that jatropha was proved to be a loss making crop in the rain fed condition and in the irrigated condition, even while found to be relatively more profitable when compared to many of the competing crops. In the absence a competitive market and lack of flexibility in altering crop composition as in the case of annual crops led to farmer’s preference towards other crops. Jatropha replacing food crops in irrigated conditions will be against the policy of ensuring food security in India. Hence, introduction of new crop must address the mitigation of global warming, creating regional employment, economically viable.
Jatropha, discounted net return analysis, economics
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