The study was carried out to determine the bagging time and quality of mango fruits using various bagging materials in Chittagong hill tracts areas of Bangladesh from April to July 2018. Treatments were bagged with brown paper bag (T1), white paper bag (T2), transparent polyethylene bag. (T3) and control (T4). The results showed that among all treatments, the brown paper bag gave the best performance for all parameters after 35 days, while without the bagging it gave poorer results. To increase the fruit quality in terms of fruit color change (green-yellow and green-yellow), fruit length (8.81 cm and 14.30 cm), fruit diameter (6.39cm and 16.39cm), fruit weight (229.10g and 585.95g), TSS (22.33% and 21.85%) and marketable yield (20.41 t / ha and 23.52 t / ha) in BARI Aam 3 and BARI Aam 4. Finally, it can be concluded that the results of this experiment in terms on bagging time and bagging of fruits in mango are very effective in improving fruit quality. So, brown paper treatment is recommended for mango traders and growers as it is easy and cost-effective for small organic growers who want to sell high quality healthy fruit in the market, also as environmentally friendly technology. This has a positive impact on BARI Aam 3 and BARI Aam 4. However, researchers continue to study the bagging techniques using standard bagging time and bagging material.
bagging time, bagging types, fruit quality, mango, hill tracts
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