Journal of Innovative Agriculture, Volume 8, Issue 3 : 1-5. Doi : 10.37446/jinagri/ra/8.3.2021.1-5
Review Article

OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 30-Sep-2021

Emerging plant virus disease: the case of maize yellow mosaic virus

  • Bayissa Regassa
  • Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Ambo Agricultural Research Centre, Ambo, Ethiopia.


A group of plant viruses and individual viruses have emerged as major threats to crop production worldwide. Emergent plant viruses are often mediated via an insect vector and with increasing global trade. Also, the emergence of a virus in a new geographical area may be initiated by the introduction of infected plant materials (propagative materials or seeds). The novel virus, named Maize yellow mosaic virus (MaYMV) consists potentially in a new constraint to maize production worldwide. MaYMV epidemics are multi-component systems resulting from interactions among the viruses, vectors and host plants. MaYMV was transmitted by corn leaf aphid, Rhopalosiphum maidis, but not mechanically. In addition to maize, MaYMV was harbored by alternative hosts such as sugarcane, itch grass sugarcane, Panicum miliaceum, and Sorghum bicolor. Knowledge of the ways in which a virus maintains itself in the absence of a living host and spreads in the field is essential for the development of effective management measures. More research is needed to assess MaYMV in weeds and wild hosts, whether transmitted through seeds and the relative abilities of different aphid species to transmit MaYMV within and between different grass species to know the virus ecology and infection pathway to maize, to aid the development of an effective integrated disease management tactic.


alternative host, distribution, emerging virus, symptoms, transmission


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