Forage pea is a new crop for Nepali farming systems where searching for alternate winter forage legumes with better herbage and seed yield is one of the prioritized approaches to mitigate the severe nutrient deficit of the ruminants. In order to select the superior pea cultivar(s) for the promising and potential winter forage legume crop, the study was conducted for two consecutive years at three locations. The experiments were conducted at a location of middle hill (Lalitpur district) and at two locations of Terai (Banke and Sunsari districts). A total of five cultivars of pea (Banke local, Arkel, Journey, PRL88054-46 and PRL H3-2) were compared as the treatments for herbage and seed production. The experiments were executed in a Split-split plot design where pea cultivars were used in the Sub-sub-plots. The results of the study had revealed that the year effect, location effect and cultivar effect were significant. The cultivar Banke local at Banke district, Banke local, Journey and PRL H3-2 at Sunsari district and Banke local, PRL 88054-46 and PRL H3-2 at Lalitpur district had shown better herbage dry matter (DM) yield. Likewise, the Banke local had shown better seed yield at middle hill ecology whereas Banke local, Arkel and Journey were better for Terai ecology. The cultivar Banke local had produced better herbage as well as seed yield in middle hill and Terai ecologies.
cultivar, herbage dry matter, number of branches, plant height, seed yield
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