Journal of Innovative Agriculture, Volume 8, Issue 2 : 39-46. Doi : 10.37446/jinagri/rsa/8.2.2021.39-46
Research Article

OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 30-Jun-2021

Genotype × Environment interaction studies in lentil under Afghanistan environments

  • Darya Khan Akbarzai
  • Provincial agriculturist, International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Kabul, Afghanistan.
  • Suhilla Nisar
  • Head of Pulse and Legume department, Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL), Kabul, Afghanistan.
  • Lina Mohammadi
  • Female Extension Officer, International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Kabul, Afghanistan.


Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik. culinaris) is an important pulse crop causative to nutrition and food security of people in Afghanistan. Genotype by environment interaction (GEI) is one of the major factors restraining the efficiency of any breeding program. This study consisted of two lentil yield trials conducted in alpha design with two or three replicates at three locations for two years (2014-2015 and 2015-2016). Genotypic differences were significant (P<0.05) in all the environments. Genotype × location interactions were found significant (P<0.01) in each year for LIEN-LS and LIEN-SS trials. There were significant genotype × year interactions of crossover type. For LIEN-LS genetic materials, Herat and Mazar formed a mega-environment based on responses in 2015 and 2016. High yielding genotypes with specific adaptation to Mazar and Herat environment were LG16 (FLIP2012-21L) in 2015 and LG24 (FLIP2013-3L) in 2016, whereas LG30 (FLIP2013-20L) was identified as high yielding with specific adaptation to Nangarhar environment during both the years. The high yielding genotypes in 2015 were LG32 (FLIP2013-29L) at Herat, LG16 (FLIP2012-21L) at Mazar and LG30 (FLIP2013-20L) at Nangarhar from LIEN-LS. In 2016, LG12 (FLIP2013-16L) at Herat, LG5 (FLIP2013-3L) at Mazar and LG1 (FLIP2013-20L) at Nangarhar were identified as high yielding genotypes. In 2015-16, SG12 (FLIP 2013-51L) at Herat, SG2 (FLIP2013-59L) at Mazar and SG6 (FLIP2013-66L) at Nangarhar were the top yielding genotypes from LIEN-SS. The identified genotypes from LIEN-LS and LIEN-SS at the two locations (Mazar and Nangarhar) may be used for up-scaling lentil production to support food security in Afghanistan as well as for generating new genotypes using crossing-selection-evaluation cycle.


lentil, genotypes × environment interaction, adaptation, Afghanistan, GGE bi-plot


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