Journal of Innovative Agriculture, Volume 7, Issue 1 : 1-4. Doi : 10.37446/jinagri/rsa/7.1.2020.1-4
Research Article

OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 30-Mar-2020

Response of Scirpophaga incertulas Walker to different temperature regimes

  • Narayanasamy Manikandan
  • Assistant Professor, Dept of Agricultural Meteorology, College of Agriculture, Padannakkad Kerala Agricultural University, Kerala, India.
  • John Samuel Kennedy
  • Dean (SPGS), Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • Vellingiri Geethalakshmi
  • Director (DCM), Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.


The yellow stem borer (YSB) Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) (Pyralidae: Lepidoptera) is one of the major pests in rice producing areas and accounts for 27 to 34 per cent loss in the crop yield. Climate change especially temperature increase will affect the insect physiology, behavior and development. An investigation was undertaken to study the effect of temperature on Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) by constructing the stage specific life table to understand its behaviour in the future climate. Experiments were carried out at four different temperature regimes viz., 28.0°C, 30.0°C, 32.0°C and 34.0°C. The results revealed that the survival fraction of a particular stage reduced with increasing temperatures. The calculated apparent mortality indicated that the percentage of insect died, increased with increasing temperatures. The results showed that the Mortality Survival Ratio (MSR) was observed to be increasing with increasing temperatures for all the stages. The value of IM was observed to be decreasing with increasing temperatures. The generation mortality of YSB was increasing with increase in temperatures for all the stages. The experiments revealed that the insects which happened to live under higher temperature would die faster and most of their energy is spent for reproduction rather than for living long time.


climate change, global warming, life table, plant protection, temperature, yellow stem borer


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