Seventeen medium-maturing lowland rice genotypes along with a check variety were raised in a randomized complete block design of three replications and assessed for yield stability and performance under rain fed lowland conditions at Woreta, Pawe, Maitsebri, Jimma and Assosa. AMMI analysis of variance indicated that environments, genotypes and their interaction accounted for 43.06%, 12.03% and 22.04% of the total sum of squares (SS) for grain yield, respectively. The first four interaction principal component axes were significant and together explained 85.8% of interactions SS. Averaged over environments, genotype G16 had the highest yield of 6.56 t ha-1 , G2 (6.32 t ha-1), G6 (5.49 t ha-1) and G7 (5.49 t ha-). Genotypes G5, G6, G7, G14 and G16 had lower AMMI stability value and yield stability index. In AMMI 1 and AMMI 2 biplots G6, G7 and G16 were found to be high yielding and stable while G2 was less stable but high yielding. Thus, genotypes G2, G6 and G16 were considered as candidate varieties and verified, out of which G16 was approved for release by the name ‘Abay’. Genotypes G2, G6, and G7can be used as potential parent materials in rice breeding program.
lowland rice, GE interaction, AMMI analysis, grain yield
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